Dynamo – Ass. Salvaiciclisti Bologna

@ Dynamo
cover of Dynamo – Ass. Salvaiciclisti Bologna

Fourth edition winner

The Bologna Salvaiciclisti Association was established in 2014 to raise awareness about cyclists’ safety and to redress the insecurity of vulnerable road users.
The association currently manages the Dynamo project – the Bicycle Parking Station of Bologna – home of all urban cyclists, a meeting place with services and social activities.
A space that was born out of the idea of a city on a human scale, where public spaces are shared and a new mobility and culture coexist, with maximum accessibility and versatility.
Not only urban cycling, therefore, but also the welcoming of tourists and a varied and always free cultural offering.
The headquarters is under the monumental staircase of the Pincio, a short walk away from the Central Station.

Dynamo is a guarded bicycle park where you can also find a rental and repair service, sales of accessories and components, resting area and other events.
You can also rent and repair special vehicles, such as electric bikes and cargo bikes.
A guided bicycle tour departs from Dynamo, every Saturday, to explore the city.
In the courtyard, in the shade of the walls, are also organized special events not only related to the world of cycling but also to sustainable living, culture and technology. Open daily.


via Indipendenza 71/z - Bologna
+39 051 19900462

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