Wool Done

cover of Wool Done

Seventh edition winner 

Wool Done is the brainchild of Giulia Boari, a Bolognese graphic designer and a passionate knitter. Giulia knits from the age of 10, making scarves for friends; traveling and participating in festivals and events abroad she learned the most advanced techniques. Her work began as play as she once a week held a knitting school in the Bologna area. That was just the starting point that led her to want to think bigger and create the site wooldone.com, for anyone interested in knitting lessons, accessories and precious and original yarns made of unusual materials such as paper and metal or hand dyed ones. Giulia also collaborates with major Italian brands of yarns, small craft businesses, local dyers and artists, exporting Italian craftsmanship and culture abroad.


The activity of Wool Done is developed in several areas:

  • teaching the art of knitting in Bologna and traveling throughout Italy;
  • making entirely handmade garments;
  • creating knitwear models and selling yarns, accessories and knitting kits, or complete packs containing all materials needed to create one's own handmade clothing items (instructions, balls, knitting needles and accessories) .

The aims is also to create a "creative network" among other artisans, to combine knowledge in an innovative way within the kits.




Tel +39 3386196668

