Caucaso Società Cooperativa
@ Caucaso Società Cooperativa
Sixth edition winner
Caucaso is a film production cooperative established as a social innovative start-up recognized by the Ministry of Economic Development. Caucaso produces social and research documentaries as well as cross-media contents with particular attention to a disadvantaged public (visually and hearing impaired people). Over the years, the cooperative has achieved important goals in the industry of film production by producing documentaries from research projects developed in collaboration with the University of Bologna and other research agencies and institutions, both in Italy and Europe.
Caucaso produces research documentaries, arthouse films, audio documentaries and photographic and text reportages. It post-synchronizes its films live and offers training workshops of different kind, combining passion for research and training. Its business purpose is to enter a market sector constantly moving between creative industry and social service, where the shared production process has a therapeutic value with a major social impact.
DVDs and other productions by the cooperative (soundtracks, publications, reportages) can be ordered on the official site
Via de’ Poeti, 1/6 – Bologna
Tel. Off.: 051 09 50 823
Tel. Legal venue: 051 4128615
Cell.: 349 29 02 672
Skype: caucaso_centrale