Instabili Vaganti

cover of Instabili Vaganti

Ninth edition winner

Instabili Vaganti  is a multidisciplinary artistic duo founded in 2004 in Bologna by director, artist and performer Anna Dora Dorno and playwright and performer Nicola Pianzola, characterised by research and experimentation in physical theatre and contemporary performing arts. The duo works in the creation and production of shows and performances, in the direction of projects, workshops and advanced training courses in theatre and performing arts worldwide. Instabili Vaganti has received numerous awards in Italy and abroad for its shows and projects.


BEYOND BORDERS is a utopian experiment in artistic sharing on a global scale, which was created in response to the current crisis caused by restrictions and measures to combat the pandemic. The aim is to overcome the limits imposed by isolation and closed borders, in order to continue artistic collaboration processes on a global scale, encouraging dialogue between Italian culture and that of the foreign countries involved. The project envisages the artistic creation of video works combining theatre, dance, cinema and video art, based on an innovative process of long-distance collaboration between the company and one or more foreign artists: actors, performers, dancers, video artists, writers, through the use of online communication platforms for the exchange and discussion of ideas and the video as a tool for artistic creation and interaction. The countries currently involved in the project, thanks also to the collaboration with our cultural institutions abroad, are: Turkey, Iran, Spain, USA, India, China, Indonesia.





