Corti Rinascimentali 2.0 – Ass. Le Quattro Mani

@ Le Quattro Mani
cover of Corti Rinascimentali 2.0 – Ass. Le Quattro Mani

Fourth edition winner

“Le Quattro Mani” (The Four Hands) is an association for social promotion founded in October 2014 by Michela Grasselli and Giuseppe Vitale.
“Le Quattro Mani” collaborates with socio-cultural educators, illustrators, musicians and all kinds of creative people.
We are a heterogeneous group whose main features focus on the spread of expressive languages and knowledge.


“Le Quattro Mani” offers educational and cultural activities suitable for all ages and abilities.
Our creative workshops are based on the LEARN THROUGH DOING methodology.
Everywhere there is an opportunity to explore and rediscover reality in an active way, we favour a more critical and conscious approach to the world. We inspire amazement and continually new viewpoints to rediscover everyday life through the exploration of sounds, scientific games, the artistic re-use of waste materials, multimedia languages and photography, storytelling and objects from nature.

We organise events and experiences to “enact” everyday life: our workshops include villages, castles, farmsteads, squares and small local museums where people become protagonists in the production of beauty and knowledge.

via S. D'Acquisto 34/a Traversetolo - Parma
+39 3333522913
