
cover of MentorFM

Fourth edition winner

Mentor.FM is a service devised by Eugenio Tacchini with the support of a few collaborators, such as Simone Magnaschi, as front-end developer, and Luca Cattivelli, as graphic designer. The original idea, born in 2010, was to develop an algorithm that would allow a radio to behave like a “musical mentor”, a mentor that would not necessarily propose content in line with current taste, but rather that would try to lead the listener towards unexplored “worlds” and to anticipate the future development of listeners’ tastes. The true implementation took place in the following years also thanks to the encounter with two companies that provided the raw material of music: at first the English company “7digital” and then “Deezer”.

Today the choice of music is so broad that the question becomes what to listen to; at times you would prefer to not even have to choose, but simply to press a button and magically find the song you want in that very moment.
Mentor.FM is the answer to this need: an automatic web radio station streaming your favourite music in streaming without ever getting boring; all you have to do is connect to the site, log in and start listening. Mentor gets to know the user from his/her Facebook, Deezer or Last.FM account, memorizing the user’s tastes while they use the site.

The TSB Mentor service is enabled in beta and allows users to get to know people with similar musical tastes, to send messages, autographs and concert invitations
Mentor.FM is available on Web, iOS and Android (in beta)


