Frequenza Appennino

cover of Frequenza Appennino

Sixth edition winner - Special contributions “Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna”

Frequenza Appennino web radio was established in 2009 with the intention of becoming a local point of reference for young people who love radio and the territory of the Bolognese Apennines in their different facets. Over the years, it has grown in terms of audience and contents, driven by curiosity for novelty and supported by passion for the local world, always lively and rich in culture.
The voluntary association Frequenza Appennino was established in 2015, following the withdrawal of the original producer: RFLab derives from their experience, as a place of reference for training and promotion of projects in web radio broadcasting.


RFLab organizes workshops and seminars with the intention of exploring the different facets of radio broadcasting: from radio broadcasting technique to writing for this medium, recording and broadcasting of a finished product. Moreover, RFLab acts as a partner in the creation of projects for institutional communication whose major medium is web radio broadcasting. Its potential interlocutors are schools, public bodies, companies and individuals, through the development of projects, including customized ones. Some examples are:

  • Audio direction and editing technician
  • Radio technique and writing
  • Pronunciation and voice education
  • Interpreted reading


