Green Flamingo

cover of Green Flamingo

Ninth edition winner


Green Flamingo is a small cooperative startup dealing with software and game development. The partners, Matteo Mezzetti, Stefano Tumminello and Paolo Giudici founded the company in 2019 to work together in putting into practice the many ideas formulated during the study and freelance work experiences they had shared and to use their skills in software development as a team. Green Flamingo deals with game development, gamification, AR and VR applications, as well as counselling, video editing, graphics, web development and other services in the IT and creative fields.


Virtuoso is an application by which videos created with the support of the Luciano Pavarotti Municipal Theatre in Modena and mainly related to opera can be viewed in virtual reality. These videos were made using special stereoscopic audio/video recording equipment. Thanks to this technology that recreates the depth of field of the human eye, videos seem to have been filmed from the standpoint of viewers, when watched using a virtual reality visor. The viewing of these recordings will be organised in selected physical spaces in the Modena area, which will be set up with the necessary equipment (the visors mentioned before). This will make it possible to comply, among other things, with the new regulations on social distancing and safety rules in this period of Covid-19 pandemic, although this opportunity may also be extended beyond the circumstances determined by the current health emergency.


