L'Informazione Nuova

@ Radiocitta’fujiko
cover of L'Informazione Nuova

Ninth edition winner

Radiocitta’ fujiko is an Italian community radio station based in Bologna and is one of the longest-running experiences of local free radio stations. The editorial team consists of more than 140 editors and speakers, producing news, art, film, theatre and music programmes. Besides playing a fundamental role as a link and service to the community, it is also open to the contribution of local entities thanks to an intense networking and collaboration effort.


How to continue to do radio during and despite the lockdown? How not to waste one's great human, cultural and social heritage by staying close to the community and being useful? The Radiocitta'fujiko team designed, developed and optimised an automatic direction system, called Autoradio, allowing any collaborator to broadcast both pre-recorded and live productions. The system was created using a free software and was modelled and tailored according to the needs of those that make up the daily schedule. All employees were trained to set up a home radio production station and to use Autoradio. The project leaders also collected feedback to improve and customise the system. The Bologna Free Software Forum, which the radio has been collaborating with for some twenty years, has made its technical expertise and human resources available for the development and implementation of Autoradio.


Via Zanardi 369 - 40131 Bologna

+39 051 346458



Diretta radio



