TriBit Studio

cover of TriBit Studio

Seventh edition winner

TriBit Studio is a young multimedia production studio focussed on B2C video games and gamification projects. The team consists of: Marianna Murgia, composer and sound designer, Damiano Coppola, programmer and game designer and Andrea D'Angelo, game writer, screenwriter and cultural mediator at the Museo della Specola in Bologna. The trio, following the "gaming for everyone" philosophy, wanted to develop projects dedicated to the world of high-accessibility gaming, in addition to content oriented towards audiences traditionally less "close" to the world of videogaming as cultural heritage, including also development of B2B products and sale of specific services.


The Tribit Studio business project begins with the creation of a highly accessible Western audiogame, based exclusively on high-definition 3D audio with no graphics: the game is playable by blind, visually impaired and sighted people. Tribit studio strongly believes in the social implication of its project and in the universality of the game which, by its very nature, must be accessible and adaptable to everyone: this is why it invests resources in the search for functional and innovative designs, to increase the range of universally usable games.

